Must-know facts about Turkey

As Turkey approaches March 30, political tensions are on the rise. Although it is only the election of local government, the alliance that conducts campaigns against Erdoğan's government is so determined that they will overthrow the government at any cost. Yet, election meetings and questionnaires show that Erdoğan's government did not lose many votes despite the "corruption" allegations. In fact, the AK Party reached the same level of votes that it received in the 2011 election.The fact that the AK Party maintains its votes despite the current disinformation doing the rounds, is caused, we think, by the lack of decline in people's economic expectations of the government. Erdoğan's government actualized a determined democratization plan that brought forward peace with the Kurds from 2008 onward and continued with the 2010 Constitutional Referendum. In the meantime, the government gave weight to an antimonopoly, competitive, open economy that supports exports based on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). To that end, it formed a great economic infrastructure, especially in southeastern Anatolia, and put into effect externalities in favor of SMEs. These policies created a powerful middle class that supports the AK Party.In contrast to allegations, the interests of Erdoğan's government have never overlapped with a closed economy and anti-democratic governance. Quite the contrary, the government exerted efforts to change the state structure intertwined with coups and an anti-democratic legal superstructure. This is the point at which problems began. The capital that prospered during coup periods never wanted an open economy and correspondent democracy.In fact, this capital objected to a Customs Union with the EU in 1996. One of the main reasons why this capital stood behind the Feb.28 post-modern coup is the Customs Union agreement. However, Western public opinion is not aware of these substantial realities in Turkey while mainstream media is in the hands of this monopoly-capital which wants a closed economy and an anti-democratic Turkey. Nevertheless, the majority of the Turkish population recognizes the truth and wants Erdoğan's government to maintain its power.On the other hand, the recent Ukraine and Crimea issue showed how much Turkey was right about foreign politics and correspondent energy policies. Turkey has brought forward its peace policies for frozen conflict areas in Caucasia and the Middle East, especially since 2008. From Nagorno-Karabakh to Syria, Kurdistan and Palestine, policies that will pave the way for peace in all conflict areas are shaped as the new active foreign policy of Turkey. However, fascist, pro-coup powers continue to spread disinformation about Turkey supporting structures like al-Qaeda. On the contrary, Turkey adopted a sharp stance against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).Moving from this point, excluding Germany, the EU, U.S. and U.K. do not have any trumps against Russia, other than Turkey. In this sense, the current interests of the U.S. and the U.K. correspond to the interests of Erdoğan's government.Turkey is currently at the center of the Southern Gas Corridor. The transmission and commercialization of both Mediterranean energy to be globalized and energy from the Caspian, Iraq and even Iran are prospectively bound for Turkey. Last year, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) competed with projects like Nabucco-West and ended up winning the tenders. The main reason for this is that the EU cares about securing energy after 2030 and wants to diversify its energy supply, so much so that it wants to proceed to its east after the crisis.According to 2030 projections, there will be 760 billion cubic meters of gas consumption in Europe. Within this period, Europe's gas production is predicted to decrease to 160 billion cubic meters. In other words, Europe is required to export nearly 600 billion cubic meters of gas by 2030. It also means that Europe's dependence on exporting will be around 80 percent. The export demand comes mainly from northern Europe, Russia and Africa.Moreover, north European resources do not have an increasing supply trend; while Russia and Africa will continue to be trouble areas for Europe for the next two decades. It is not possible to develop a linear political projection for Algeria, Libya and Nigeria for this period. At this point, if Turkey does not execute the projects - including TANAP - focused on the "Southern Gas Corridor" energy line in the near future, Europewill continue to depend on Russia for energy. Indeed, Germany is pleased with Europe's dependence on Russia and both Germany and Ukraine play the game in such a way as to win in any circumstance.The Russian gas company Gazprom has been implementing its pro-Europe energy projects with the mediation of Germany. Germany seems to be retaliating for its defeat in World War II. Before the war, Germany was unable to use gas sources because of its lack of colonies. Instead, Germany tried to resolve this problem by adopting fascism. More explicitly, Germany lacked colonial trade, while the U.K., France and Italy benefited from gas sources through their colonies. Today, Germany will not attack Russia but rather cooperate in order to penetrate Russia's energy market. Here is the key point of the discussion:As soon as the EU recovers from its current situation, an energy demand will be its main problem. Russia persistently wants to sustain the customs union enlargement policy with Belarus and Kazakhstan, and thereby to place Ukraine under its domination.The Southern Gas Corridor projects and transit-ways suggest the enlargement of the EU to its south. This project also shows the conflict between Russia and the U.S.-based West. Here, we have an equation with multivariables or dimensions. It may be possible to simplify this discussion under different headings:1) Today one of the biggest and most strategic investments of the 21st century (e.g. TANAP and TAP) starts through the provincial borders and the coastal waters of Turkey with the free-will of the Turkish government.2) This project can be implemented by a government which achieves political sustainability though democracy and has the courage to make the world believe in its vision. 3) This investment is Turkey's only trump card against the EU and Russia. 4) The geographical location of Turkey (Eurasia) is the only advantage over the U.S. and U.K. against Russia's neo-Eurasia and expansionist policies.