Azerbaijani director adapts July 15 into documentary
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As part of the 7th Malatya International Film Festival, Azerbaijani director Elçin Musaoğlu is shooting a July 15 documentary about the Gülenist Terror Group's (FETÖ) failed coup attempt.

The Malatya Metropolitan Municipality announced that as part of the festival, which will be held for the 7th time between Nov. 9 and 16, the Azerbaijani director will adapt the July 15 experiences to the screen.

The documentary, which began shooting in late May, tells July 15 from the viewpoint of the Azerbaijani people. Containing the observations of some Azerbaijani businessmen, artists and citizens on the night of the coup attempt, the documentary will present the striking night from the viewpoint of Azerbaijanis living in Turkey.

The film crew, which came to Turkey after completing their work in Azerbaijan, continued the project in Istanbul, Ankara and Kocaeli. Director Musaoğlu and his team then went to Malatya and recorded the July 15 experiences of Azerbaijani students in the city.

Musaoğlu talked about his gratitude in the project proposal and said that July 15 was not just an attempt against Turkey, but was also an attempt against all the Turkic Republics and Turks.

Stating that Turkey is not just composed of Turkey itself, Musaoğlu added, "Azerbaijanis, who were in Turkey during the attempt night, poured onto the streets and resisted with the Turkish people can be shown as an example of this situation."

Festival director Suat Köçer said that they tried to find an answer to the question, "How does July 15 seem from an outer perspective?" with the document.

In addition to portraying the resistance by the Azerbaijanis in Istanbul next to the Turkish people and their striking experiences on July 15, the documentary will present the deep roots between Azerbaijan and Turkey. The documentary will be released at the festival's gala.