Turkish film professionals sign petition condemning Israel's attacks on Gaza

Eleven film associations and 153 actors have signed a petition calling on fellow movie professionals from across the world to condemn Israel's continued assault on the Gaza Strip

Turkish film associations and actors lined up against the ongoing deadly Israeli military onslaught on the Gaza Strip through a petition campaign on change.org. Presently, 11 film associations and 153 actors have signed up. "Innocent Palestinians have systematically been slaughtered for days. Israel is committing a humanitarian crime against women, children, journalists, the elderly and other living creatures regardless of any specific target. We are calling on all film professionals across the world - do not keep your silence and denounce the Israeli war machine," the petition says. It was shared with foreign filmmakers and actors.Among the associations that are participating in the campaign are the Film Actors Trade Union (BIROY), Association of Documentary Filmmakers (BSB), Film Producers' Professional Association (FIYAP), Association of Screen and Dialogue Writers (SENARISTBIR), Association of Screenwriters (SENDER), Movie Producers Professional Association (SE-YAP), New Cinema Movement, Association of Television and Film Producers (TESIYAP), Turkey's Film Production Owners Association (SESAM), the Association of Film and Television Production Owners (SETEM), Academy of Film and Television Production Owners and the Association of Film Production Owners (SINEBIR). A number of other Turkish film professionals including Mesut Uçakan, Ali Özgentürk, Ercan Kesal, Janset Paçal, Semih Kaplanoglu, Kutlug Ataman, Mehmet Güleryüz, Rıza Kıraç and Yekta Kopan also supported the campaign.