Turkey's external assets total $297B in August
Euro, Hong Kong dollar, U.S. dollar, Japanese yen, British pound and Chinese 100 yuan banknotes are seen in this picture illustration, Jan. 21, 2016. (Reuters Photo)

Turkey's assets abroad stood at $297.4 billion by the end of August, up 16.4% from the end of 2020, according to data released by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) Monday.

Liabilities against nonresidents fell 9.1% to $589.7 billion during the same period.

The net international investment position (NIIP) – the gap between Turkey’s external assets and liabilities – shrank to minus $292.3 billion in August.

The NIIP was minus $393.1 billion at the end of 2020.

Showing a snapshot in time, the NIIP – which can be either positive or negative – is the value of overseas assets owned by a nation, less the value of domestic assets owned by foreigners, including overseas assets and liabilities held by a country’s government, the private sector and its citizens.

Reserve assets, a sub-item under assets, jumped 26.2% to $117.8 billion, the data showed.

Other investments, another sub-item under assets, stood at $121.1 billion in August, an 11.8% increase from the end of last year.