Türkiye's consumer confidence up by 2.6% in December
People shop in Istanbul, Türkiye, Oct. 26, 2021. (Reuters Photo)

Türkiye's consumer confidence index rose to 77.4 in December up from 75.5 in November, according to the official data shared country's statistical office on Wednesday.

The consumer confidence index picked up 2.6% month-over-month, bouncing back to the five-month high, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) data showed.

Subindices for financial situation expectations of households over the next 12 months surged 2.1% and general economic situation expectations over the next 12 months gained 3.3% in December.

Assessments on spending for durable goods over the next 12 months were up by 2.0% in December from last month.

The index for the present financial situation of households saw a rise of 3.4% on a monthly basis, the data showed.

The index is a vital gauge of the economy's overall performance, indicating public sentiments on financial standing and the general economic situation, along with spending and saving tendencies.