Turkey, US sustain dialogue on common issues

Ankara and Washington rapport has always been of critical importance, U.S. Charge d'Affaires Jeffrey M. Hovenier said yesterday at a meeting with the head of the Turkish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee in the capital city of Ankara.

Drawing attention to the long-established ties between Turkey and the U.S., Hovenier said strong ties can yield benefits for both sides. "We continue to discuss the certain issues; we have to resolve them and we firmly believe that we can surmount any problems by cooperation," he added.

Ankara-Washington ties have been in a red zone for the last couple of years due to the Syrian conflict, Turkey's decision to buy the Russian-made S-400 missile system and Washington's support for the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) which Turkey says is the perpetrator of the July 15 coup attempt.

Turkey decided in 2017 to purchase the S-400 system following protracted efforts to purchase air defense systems from the U.S. with no success.

Washington maintains the move will jeopardize Turkey's role in the F-35 fighter jet program and could trigger congressional sanctions.

During the meeting with Hovenier in Ankara, Volkan Bozkır, the chair of the Turkish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee spoke of Turkey and the U.S. being strategic partners.

"On the issues of S-400 missiles, Patriot missiles and F-35 jets, we are sure that we can find solutions by talking [to] and understanding each other," said Bozkır.

From a historical perspective, early economic dialogue between Turkey and the U.S. began with the Economic and Technical Cooperation agreement signed in 1947 with a view to implementing the Truman Doctrine in the aftermath of World War II. While the strategic political and military cooperation expanded with Turkey's membership in NATO in 1952, the economic partnership grew more exponentially as Turkey welcomed more American companies.