Boron sales reach all-time high in 2017

The Eti Maden mining company, which stands at the peak of the boron market, reached an all-time high with the sale of 2.2 million tons of boron in 2017.Özgür Saç, vice general manager of Eti Maden said that his company has 71 percent of the world's boron reserves and they are offering them to the global markets.

"We are contributing to the national economy and welfare by exporting 97 percent of products we produce to more than 100 countries. We aim to further improve Eti Maden, which is the world boron leader with a market share of 57 percent, through new innovations," Saç said. Underlining that they plan to transform this natural underground resource to much higher value added products, he noted that Eti Maden had a successful year in 2017 thanks to vigorous efforts made by its workers, civil servants and subcontractors.

He said that Eti Maden boron sales hit an all-time high at 2.2 million tons in 2017 and brought in revenues of $890 million. "A total of $823 million of it was generated from overseas sales, bringing foreign currency to our country and helping reduce the current account deficit," Saç added.

Münir Yahşi, the operations manager at Bandırma Boron and Acid Plants, emphasized that the Bandırma Boron Operation Directorate also reached an all-time high with the sale of approximately 340,000 tons of boron chemicals last year. Yahşi further noted that the company achieved a record profit of nearly TL 250 million ($65.6 million) last year. He pointed out that 932,000 tons of boron chemicals, corresponding to the record, were exported from the Bandırma Port, adding that the use of boron products in agriculture has increased rapidly.