Environmental concerns at center as Çanakkale 1915 Bridge construction begins

The environmental criteria for the preservation of the natural habitats of marine species during the construction of the Çanakkale 1915 Bridge has been determined as the bridge remains poised to become the world's longest in terms of central span.

Workers are preparing to lay the foundations of the suspension bridge on the 102nd anniversary of the victory of the Battle of Çanakkale on March 18, 2017.

The Environment and Urban Planning Ministry has requested that precautionary measures be taken in the context of migratory trends and the breeding season of marine species as construction begins.

Accordingly, white, blue and green lights will not be used as they attract fish and marine mammals while disrupting their innate ability to find direction and food.

Strong environmental sensitivity will be shown throughout the construction process of the Kınalı-Tekirdağ-Çanakakle-Savaştepe Highway project, which includes the Çanakkale 1915 Bridge.

Moreover, measures to protect wildlife will be taken, while the bridge's route has been moved to the Lapseki district in order to avoid disrupting the Gallipoli Peninsula's silhouette.

Special lighting for animals Special precautionary measures will be taken to reduce the adverse effects of bridge lighting on aquatic species in the construction area. Lights directly on the water or reflected on the water surface will be turned off at migration times and after midnight.

Construction work for the project, which will be carried out in the sea, will continue in a way that avoids harming the migratory habits and breeding periods of local fish. Furthermore, other measures will be taken in order prevent pollutants from vehicle exhaust emissions which could adversely affect vegetation and wildlife in the area.

Transportation vehicles will be covered and the roads on the transport routes will be regularly irrigated at regular intervals. Vehicle exhaust fumes emitted at the work site will regularly be monitored in efforts to minimize pollutant gas emissions.

Special bridge for animals

The bridge and junctions to be built at the intersection of fields and pasture roads will be designed with consideration for the biggest agricultural tools in order to continue agricultural activity along the 324-kilometer highway. There will also be bridges that will allow the passage of animals in their natural habitat along the highway.

Bids will be offered by Jan 26

Last month, the Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication Ministry launched a tender on the bridge which will be constructed through a build-operate-transfer model. The steel suspension bridge will have a central span of 2,023 meters and a length of 3,869 meters. The project includes 31 viaducts, five tunnels, 30 bridges and 143 underpasses and overpasses. Domestic and foreign companies taking interest in the project will be able to offer bids until Jan. 26.