Ambassadors convene at reunion of Turkish Exporters Assembly in Çanakkale

Bureaucrats from 73 countries and 181 ambassadors attended the Ambassadors Meeting held by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) in the province of Çanakkale from Sept. 2-4 in one of the TİM's most important promotional activities held to fuel foreign trade and help Turkey achieve $500 billion in exports by 2023.Ambassadors agreed that Turkey is the "chief pillar" in the region, saying that they will convey to their countries that Turkey is committed to unity, solidarity and democracy and has an economy built on solid foundations.TİM President Mehmet Büyükekşi called on the representatives of 73 countries, saying, "We aim to have a 1.5 percent share of the world trade market by 2023 and increase exports and investments. We want to make investments with you in both Turkey and third world countries."