Reconstruction works in progress in terror-hit Yüksekova

After a counter-terrorism military operation against the PKK terrorist organization was completed in the province of Hakkari's Yüksekova district, construction work will now begin in the region and specialists will consult the public during the process.

The operation, known as the "Gendarme Specialized Sergeant Ramazan Gülle Operation," began with a curfew on March 13 and was completed on April 20.

Damage assessments are still ongoing in the district, where terrorists dug holes in streets, set up barricades with hand-made explosives and demolished several buildings. A team of 100 specialists assigned by the Environment and Urbanization Ministry is conducting the assessments in the region, where call screening activities to detect possible explosives planted by PKK terrorists were completed by security forces. The extent of damage to the district will be revealed in the process and specialists will zone in on the streets most heavily damaged by the terrorists, namely Cumhuriyet, Orman, Mezarlık, Eski Kışla, Yeni, Yeşildere, Esentepe, Güngör and Dize, where terrorists positioned themselves inside buildings, filling the buildings with sandbags and making passageways through holes in the walls. Terrorists who had stationed themselves in abandoned homes of fleeing residents opened fire on security forces through holes in the walls of the homes, according to the damage assessment.

After specialists complete a written report detailing the damages incurred, badly damaged buildings in the district of Yüksekova will be demolished and rebuilt within the framework of the Urban Transformation Project, where the reconstruction of buildings that were only slightly damaged will begin soon. A liaison agency was established in the district to determine the extent of the damage, with results indicating that damaged buildings with an appraisal value of TL 10,000 ($3,384) or less to be reconstructed following the lifting of the curfew and buildings worth more than TL 10,000 being repaired after negotiations are completed between the homeowner and representatives for the Environment and Urbanization Ministry. The relative reimbursement amount will be delivered to residents after the assessment is completed.

The Directorate of Religious Affairs will renovate mosques that were damaged by terrorists and open them for worship as part of the district reconstruction projects. In addition, in order to improve quality of life and contribute to searching for a solution for the staggering unemployment rates in the district, projects will be conducted.