Türk Telekom accused of violations

Competition Authority officials held a private hearing with Türk Telekom lawyers in an investigation into whether the telecom giant abused its dominant position in the market or violated rules regarding the protection of competition by delaying or preventing applications for facility sharing. Officials agreed that Türk Telekom must be fined and sent notice.Representatives from Vodafone Net Communication Services Inc. agreed with the decision, saying that Türk Telekom must be penalized for antitrust moves. TurkNet Communication Services Inc.'s İlmutluhan Selçuk said facility sharing is a major issue, adding that"Türk Telekom intentionally delays [facility-sharing]." Selçuk also pointed out a previous fine Competition Authority imposed on Türk Telekom for abuse of its dominant position in the market, stating that the issue must be addressed within the scope of recidivism.Melih Özgüç, a representative from the Association of Independent Telecommunications Operators, said Türk Telekom must be given deterrent penalties to avoid recurring abuse of its position in the market. Türk Telekom CEO Rami Aslan has argued that the company did not violate any rules regarding competition, adding that the company has not had a negative impact on the markets. The final judgement regarding the investigation will be announced its on June 9.