Walmart sues Visa over chip cards in US

U.S. retail giant Walmart is suing Visa, saying Visa's policy of allowing signatures leads to fraud, and wants the credit card company to require customers using chip-enabled debit cards in their U.S. stores to punch in a PIN code instead.

Walmart said Visa's opposition to allowing PIN use with the chip cards, which immediately debit the paid amount from the linked bank account, creates an unacceptable risk to customers' bank accounts. Currently, customers sign a receipt for their debit-card transaction, as they do with magnetic-stripe cards that are swiped.

Walmart filed its complaint against Visa in a New York state court Tuesday, according to court documents reviewed by Agence France-Press (AFP). In their complaint, Walmart said Visa refuses to allow the use of PIN codes and imposes a signature as verification on debit as well as credit cards, which involve a delayed transaction.