Turkey's external liabilities decrease slightly in January

According to the International Investment Position (IIP), at the end of January 2016, external assets were recorded at $219.4 billion indicating no significant change compared to the end of 2015; whereas, liabilities against non-residents were recorded at $586.2 billion, indicating a decrease of 0.6 percent, according to data announced by the Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (CBRT).

The net IIP, defined as the difference between Turkey's external assets and liabilities, was posted at -$366.8 billion at the end of January 2016 compared to -$370.1 billion at the end of 2015.

In regard to sub-items under assets, at the end of January 2016 reserve assets were recorded at $111.3 billion; a 0.7 percent increase, while other investments were recorded at $61.3 billion indicating a 1.7 percent decrease compared to the end of 2015. Currencies and deposits of banks, one of the sub-items of other investments, decreased by 1.4 percent to $22.9 billion compared to the end of 2015.

With regard to liability sub-items, direct investment (equity capital and other capital) were recorded at $143.1 billion at the end of January 2016, indicating a 1.8 percent decrease compared to the end of the previous year due to the changes in the market value and foreign exchange rates.

The total external loan stock of the banks was recorded at $92 billion at the end of January 2016, decreasing by 0.3 percent compared to the end of 2015. Total external loan stock of the other sectors was recorded at $100.3 billion, an increase of 1 percent.