Galatasaray to sport Dumankaya for TL 30M

Dumankaya İnşaat, a leading construction company in Turkey, will be the shirt sponsor when Galatasaray compete in the Spot Toto Super League and Turkey Ziraat Cup.Galatasaray will sport the Dumankaya logo during all of their matches. The announcement was made during a press conference held at Türk Telekom Arena Stadium.Galatasaray President Dursun Aydın Özbek and Dumankaya CEO Uğur Dumankaya were both in attendance for the event. The cooperation will span three years, starting with the 2015-2016 season and continuing into the 2017-2018 season. Galatasaray will receive TL 30 million ($ 10.3 million) annually as part of the deal.