Bank Asya's credential info still missing

Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) President Mehmet Ali Akben announced that Gülen Movement-affiliated Bank Asya has not submitted all of the required credentials to the BDDK.Akben made a statement about Bank Asya at a meeting held by the Association of Participation Banks of Turkey. According to the statement, Bank Asya has not yet submitted all of the required credentials to the BDDK. The Bank Asya administration was transferred to the BDDK in February on the grounds that it failed to submit the credentials showing that some of the privileged shareholders of the bank meet the qualifications that founders must have, within the prescribed time.It was announced that the BDDK would make a final statement about the state of the bank, after all of the credentials are sent. In a statement released in April, Bank Asya announced that the credentials of shareholders, who hold 90.12 percent of (A) group privileged shares were submitted to the BDDK.