Shorter maturities and limited sales campaigns come into force

Customs and Trade Minister Nurettin Canikli announced that from now on, sales campaigns will last no longer than three months. The Law on Regulation of the Retail Market was approved at the General Assembly of the Parliament, and Nacikli held a press conference to announce details afterwards.Emphasizing that the retail sector involves many partners, Canikli said that it is a mistake to delay such retail regulations because it has an enormous impact on social life. The retail sector accounts for 15 percent of the national income, and the sector has an employment capacity of about 2 million. The regulations that will be imposed can be divided into two categories according to Canikli: One concerns new rules imposed on all shops engaged in retail from shopping malls to chain stores; the second concerns supporting craftsmen and tradesmen that have been adversely affected by the change of the format and operation of retail trade within the past two decades.Receivables of small-scale businesses will be repaid in 30 daysOne of the new regulations that is being implemented with this law ensures that small-scale businesses that provide goods for large markets do not suffer with long payment-due dates; therefore, it limits the maturity date to 30 days after the delivery of the products. Canikli highlighted that producers or tenants that have shelves at retail stores are exposed to various fees under different titles. "For example, there are fees that are required such as shop opening and repair expenses, bank and participation fees and others. With this new law, no such fees can be required from suppliers and producers," Canikli said. However, he stressed that there is an exception to this regulation: If the related service directly increases the sale of the products, then a certain fee will be required.Sales campaigns cannot last longer than three months Canikli noted that they are also imposing new regulations on the branding practices of small-scale firms, and added that currently, shopping malls and chain stores do not include the title and information of the manufacturer of goods that are sold under their own brand. However, with this new law, the manufacturer's information will also be included on the packaging alongside the shopping mall's brand, thus giving the chance to small-scale manufacturers to promote themselves, free of charge. Furthermore, campaigns that do not have a beginning or an end date or that may contain misleading price and quality information will not be allowed, as such campaigns also adversely affect sales.On sales campaigns, Canikli said that such sales cannot provide payments in more than six installments in case of liquidation with three installments otherwise. He added that according to the new retail law, if public professional institutions organize shopping festivals, then such institutions cannot spend more than 5 percent of their budgets on such festivals. According to the new code, the working hours of shopping malls will be determined by the office of the governor of the related city or by the ministry if it is important for all of Turkey. Canikli also said that the Cabinet is now in charge of determining the locations of shopping malls and their opening criteria.