Mega collaboration by Turkish-English CEOs

The second CEO Forum, which was held in London with the attendance of 20 companies from England and Turkey, has opened the door to joint trade. The two nations will collaborate in areas of finance, technology, energy, infrastructure, construction, aviation and defense.

The second Turkish-English CEO Forum was held yesterday, a follow-up to the first Forum which was held in March by British Prime Minister David Cameron and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Eleven companies from Turkey and nine firms from England joined the forum to discuss collaboration in energy, defense, insurance, constriction, Turkish brands as well as financing. In energy, topics involving renewable energy, power systems, fuel and natural gas will be main areas for collaboration. As for the construction and insurance sectors, it was decided to especially act together in joint endeavors and privatizations in third world countries. As for the area of technology, some of the items discussed were mobile payments, health, education and agriculture.
The topic of branding and steps needed to be taken to develop Turkey's brand perception were also laid to the table. In terms of finance, it was decided that joint action be taken to initially establish a finance center in the region and later to develop further into a global finance center. Potential collaboration between the two countries will be coordinated by two individuals or establishments to be determined. It was also decided that if necessary, the views of other companies from sectors headlined in the forum, which were not in attendance, may be obtained.
During the forum, Minister of State for Trade and Investment Lord Green stated, "There is enormous opportunity for English firms to have a presence in Turkey's fast economic transformation." CEO Forum Co-chairman and Vodafone Group CEO Vittorio Colao stated, "Turkey's is one of the brightest stars in our global portfolio. We are able to see the daily changes in consumers' lives as a result of the investments we have made in this dynamic and lively country."
The following firms and representatives participated in the CEO Forum: Çalık Holding CEO Berat Albayrak, Gürmen Group Administrative Board Chairman (YKB) Remzi Gür, Akbank YKB Suzan Sabancı Dinçer, Vodafone Turkey CEO Serpil Timuray, Doğuş Holding CEO Hüsnü Akhan, THY CEO Temel Kotil, Sabancı Holding CEO Zafer Kurtul, Borusan Holding CEO Agah Uğur, Vestel Companies Group CEO Ömer Yüngül, Akkök Grup CEO Mehmet Ali Berkman and HSBC Turkey CEO Martin Spurling. From England ARUP Group Chairman Ian Gardner, BAE Systems CEO Ian King, GSK's Asia-Pacific District Chairman Abbas Hussain, Rolls Royce International Director Michael Shipster, Diageo Europe Chairman Andrew Morgan, WPP CEO Sir Martin Sorell, Mott MacDonald Chairman Keith Howells, Astra Zeneca District Chairman Henrik Nistrup Madsenve BP CEO Bob Dudley.