Where are foreigners buying real estate in Turkey?

The number of foreigners who have purchased property in Turkey has reached 119,599 people.

While the majority of property-owning foreigners are British, German and Greek nationals, citizens from a total of 89 different countries, spanning from New Zealand to Kenya and El Salvador to Ruanda own a total of 111,194 properties in 76 different provinces out of Turkey's total 81.

According to data from the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre, the number of foreigners that have invested in real estate in Turkey has reached 119,599.

The total area of immovable property purchased by foreigners in Turkey is a combined 81,664,098 square meters.
According to the data, citizens from 89 different countries have purchased property in Turkey, those countries include:
''Germany, USA, Andorra, Argentina, Albania, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Bulgaria, Algeria, Czech Republic, China, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Morocco, Philippines, Finland, France, South African Republic, Georgia, Croatia, India, Holland, Honduras, Iraq, England, Iran, Ireland, Spain, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Iceland, Jamaica, Japan, Canada, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirgizstan, KKTC, Korea (South), Kuwait, Latvia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Hungary, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Egypt, Moldova, Nigeria, Norfolk Islands, Norway, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Ruanda, Russia Federation, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Jordan, Venezuela, New Zealand, Greece.''

British and German nationals own the most property in Turkey with 35,249 Brits owning 24,848 properties.
As for Germans, 27,021 own 35,344 properties. Followed by 10,750 Greeks who own a total of 9,888 properties, 6,849 Irish citizens own 5,173 properties, 5,710 Danes own 4,697 properties and 4,563 Russians own 4,227 real estate properties.
Meanwhile, Greeks of Turkish heritage are the majority foreign property owners in Istanbul, Izmir and Bursa. In Antalya, Germans and Dutch nationals own the most foreign property. In Hatay and Gaziantep, Syrians are the majority foreign property owners, while in Ankara United States citizens are the majority foreign real estate owners.

The most desirable city for foreign property owners in Turkey is Antalya. There are a total of 31,164 properties owned by 40,090 foreigners in Antalya.
The second most desirable city for foreigners is Muğla with 20,196 foreign nationals owning a total of 14,561 properties. Following is Aydın with 17,629 foreigners owning 12,803 properties, in Istanbul 12,442 foreigners own a total of 12,190 properties. Hatay, Mersin, Yalova, Balıkesir, Bursa and Ankara are also amongst the cities foreigners have invested interests in.
The only provinces where foreigners do not own property are Ağrı, Hakkari, Siirt, Bitlis and Şırnak.