Unemployment rates drop for October

When growth activated non-agricultural employment, the unemployment rate for October surprisingly recessed. Within the past year, almost one million people have been employed, while the unemployment rate has dropped 1.8 points down to 11.2 percent.

The 11.2 percent unemployment rate for October 2010 shows a 1.8 percent recession compared to figures from the same time last year, and a 0.1 percent decrease compared to the month prior. The most significant finding from October's unemployment rates is the 0.1 point drop. This is because in general, the final quarter annually tends to display an upward tendency, therefore if the current recovery trend from the 2009 crisis is not taken into consideration, then last October's figures are particularly attention-drawing in the sense that instead of increasing, the unemployment rate actually dropped. According to the new index calculations, from 2005 until now, unemployment rates increased in October. According to data from the Turkish Statistics Institute, Turkey's working force has increased by 554,000 people resulting in a grand total of 22,972,000 employed. The number of employed was at 953,000 and therefore, the number of unemployed dropped by 398,000.UNEMPLOYMENT DROPS UNDER THREE MILLION In October of 2009; the unemployment rate was at 3.3 million people, whereas as of October 2010, that figure is now at 2.9 million people. It appears the distribution of the 953,000 newly employed was also quite balanced. According to statistics, 353,000 went into agriculture, 275,000 found employment in the industry sector and 239,000 in the service industry. In construction alone, 86,000 new jobs were created.