Chinese woman gives birth to twin babies from different fathers in one-in-a-million case

In a "one-in-a-million" case, a Chinese woman gave birth to fraternal twin babies from different fathers, a shocking truth that came to light after a DNA test, local media reported Wednesday.

A woman from China's Xiamen city in Fujian province requested a paternity test in order to complete the birth registration for her newborn baby boys.

The DNA tests revealed that the babies were from different fathers in an extremely rare case of what is called "heteropaternal superfecundation."

Reports said that this scientific phenomenon has approximately a one in 13,000 chance of happening.

The woman first accused her husband of falsifying the results of the DNA test, the woman later had to admit that she had had an affair with another man.

The shocked father, who, according to the reports, thought that the babies had "strikingly different" appearances than each other, told local media that he certainly wants his own child, "but I'm not willing to raise someone else's child."