Peru's jailed ex-president Fujimori taken to hospital
Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori attends his trial at the Special Police Headquarters in Lima, Peru June 30, 2008. (Reuters Photo)

Jailed former President Alberto Fujimori was taken from his prison cell to a hospital on Saturday after suffering a drop in blood pressure, doctors said.

Dr. Alejandro Aguinaga told local media that the 79-year old had "a sudden drop in pressure" and was taken in an ambulance to the Centenario clinic.

In September, Fujimori said on his Twitter account that he suffers from arrhythmia, for which he has previously been hospitalized twice this year. He requested a humanitarian pardon on Monday, citing deteriorating health.

President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has said he would probably make a decision on a "medical pardon" for Fujimori by the end of the year after consulting with doctors. If he serves the full sentence, Fujimori would be 93 when released.

Peruvian law provides that no person convicted of murder or kidnapping can receive a presidential pardon unless except in the case of a terminal illness. Three previous requests from Fujimori for pardons since 2013 were rejected after doctors said he did not suffer from incurable illness or severe mental disorder

The former strongman, who governed from 1990 to 2000, is a polarizing figure in Peru. Some Peruvians laud him for defeating the Maoist Shining Path guerrillas, while others loathe him for human rights violations carried out under his government.

His daughter, Keiko Fujimori, narrowly lost Peru's last election to the current president, Kuczynski, and her party dominates congress.