At least 12 killed by Indian shelling, gunfire in Kashmir

At least 12 people have been killed and 18 others injured in shelling by Indian forces along the dividing boundary of the disputed Kashmir valley Wednesday. The Pakistan army accused Indian border forces of targeting a passenger bus in the Neelam valley on the Pakistan-held side of Kashmir, killing nine passengers and injuring 11 others. Another person was killed in Nakyal located along the de-facto border, known as the Line Of Control, the army said. The Indian army on Tuesday promised revenge for the killing of three soldiers near the boundary, one of whom they said had been mutilated.

The clashes began after India accused Pakistan of links to militants who killed 19 Indian soldiers at an army camp in Indian-held Kashmir last September.

Muslim-majority Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan, but claimed in full by both, since the two countries gained independence from Britain in 1947. Since 1989, Kashmiris have been fighting Indian forces deployed in the region, seeking independence or a merger of the territory with Pakistan. Since the dispute of Kashmir, one of the oldest disputes on the agenda of the U.N. Security Council along with that of Palestine erupted in 1947 between India and Pakistan, more than 94,000 Kashmiris have been killed during clashes, according to Pakistani officials' reports.