Kızılay comes to Afghans' rescue

ANKARA — The Turkish Red Crescent rushed to help survivors of a landslide in Badakhshan Province in northeast Afghanistan. Following heavy rains, landslides buried the village of Abe-Barik on Friday. Many local and international aid organizations flocked to the area to help survivors.The Turkish Red Crescent was one of the first aid organizations to reach the area and supply emergency relief to the victims.An official from the Turkish Red Crescent said the organization was sending food and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and was planning to supply more aid. Another aid organization, Turkey's IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, sent aid packages to Badakhshan.Humanitarian aid supplies continued to arrive from different international aid but survivors of the disastrous mudslide said that relief aid had been slow in reaching them from the government and international organizations. Hundreds of people in the village are struggling to get food and shelter.It was reported that more than 350 bodies had been recovered and about 2,000 people are estimated to be missing. Almost 700 families have been displaced by the incident.