'Venus Rotates Clockwise' exhibit delves into cosmic expressions
"Ghosts Somewhere Else I" by E S Kibele Yarman. (Photo courtesy of Vision Art Platform)

Vision Art Platform is set to host the personal exhibition of E S Kibele Yarman, titled "Venus Rotates Clockwise."

The production method emerging from Yarman's need to "transform the existing, express it again with other existences" positions itself in a perspective that questions the ethical-aesthetic of settlement, while correlating the singularities and dualities she addresses, placing them in a cosmic and social dimension, and at the same time in a perspective that calls for critique.

"Salis IV" by E S Kibele Yarman. (Photo courtesy of Vision Art Platform)

With the exhibition "Venus Rotates Clockwise," the audience will witness Kibele's narrative performances and the newly established dynamic narratives through these performances. There are some spatial stories woven with an invisible thread, where the visitors can wander inside at a 1:1 scale. Kibele's table is perceived with volumes; it is set up in illuminated rooms, hangs on colorful walls, rises from the ground, dangles from the ceiling, prompts a view through a narrow gap and floats in a veil. It forms a network.

The exhibition, which will open on Feb. 20, can be visited at Vision Art Platform, Akaretler No:35, until March 23.