Puppeteer Çağdaş Çakmak debuts eye-catching Elon Musk marionette
An Elon Musk marionette crafted by Çağdaş Çakmak, Ankara, Çankaya, Aug. 29, 2024. (AA Photo)

Çağdaş Çakmak, a talented puppeteer known for his unique designs ranging from real-life figures to fantastical characters, has recently crafted a striking puppet of Elon Musk, the owner of companies like Tesla and SpaceX. This intricate project took him 20 days to complete.

Çakmak's fascination with puppetry began in Ankara's Çankaya district when he received a puppet as a gift from his brother, who brought it from Prague. Initially focused on sculpture and painting, Çakmak found himself increasingly drawn to the world of puppets, eventually dedicating 15 years to creating numerous bespoke designs.

Shoes of the Elon Musk marionette crafted by Çağdaş Çakmak, Ankara, Çankaya, Aug. 29, 2024. (AA Photo)

His creations have reached enthusiasts in the United States, the United Kingdom and Sweden. In addition to individual orders, Çakmak has designed marionettes for theater productions and contributed to music videos, including one for American singer Avery Hellman’s song "Stranger in the Barn."

Elon Musk puppet

Most recently, Çakmak turned his attention to Elon Musk. He explained that Musk's intriguing personality and influential presence on social media inspired him to create this particular puppet. "He is regarded as a successful and intelligent individual in today’s world," Çakmak stated. "He enjoys being in the spotlight and excels at setting trends." This led Çakmak to design a puppet that he believes would amuse Musk if he ever saw it.

Creative process

Çakmak shared insights into his creative process, emphasizing the importance of exaggeration in puppetry. "Realistic puppets don't always make sense; it’s about finding the humor in the character," he noted.

The construction of the marionette begins with the head, which is the most time-consuming part due to the detailed facial features. He uses polymer clay for the head, while the body, arms, and legs are crafted from wood. Çakmak personally sews the puppet's clothing, opting for a striped shirt inspired by Musk's frequent attire.

Elon Musk marionette crafted by Çağdaş Çakmak, Ankara, Çankaya, Aug. 29, 2024. (AA Photo)

Impact of puppetry

Çakmak highlighted the significance of the viewer’s reaction when they encounter a puppet. "Many living people never see sculptures of themselves, but puppets add a different layer of humor and personality," he explained. The whimsical nature of puppets allows for a playful interaction that traditional sculptures may not provide.

Puppetry in Türkiye

While Çakmak enjoys success in his craft, he pointed out that the number of puppet designers in Türkiye is relatively low compared to other countries. He advocates for more festivals to bring designers together and raise awareness about puppetry as an art form. This, he believes, would foster collaboration and innovation within the community.