Hungarian ballet enchants Turkish capital
The Györ Ballet community is seen during a performance at the State Opera and Ballet House, Ankara, Türkiye, Sept.22, 2024 (Photo by Dilara Aslan)

Hungary’s Györ Ballet Company mesmerized its audience with its contemporary ballet performance in the Turkish capital as part of the Ankara Culture Road Festival.

The program was hosted by Hungary’s Ambassador to Ankara Viktor Matis at the Ankara State Opera and Ballet Theater. The ambassador said that the performance constituted the 96th event of the 2024 Hungarian-Turkish cultural year – a celebration to mark the 100th anniversary of the signing of the friendship agreement between Ankara and Budapest.

"The ballet company performs tonight together with Mr. Janos Balazs, one of the most renowned Hungarian pianists, who has won practically all Hungarian prizes and a number of international events," Matis underlined.

The Györ Ballet company boasts 40 years of history and a repertoire that covers almost all branches of dance, from classical ballet to contemporary dance to children's productions.

During Sunday’s performance, the group staged two plays that focused on themes such as love and loss. The program was attended by several ambassadors, diplomats, members of the press as well as art lovers.

The Ankara Culture Road Festival started on Sept. 21. Bringing the festival spirit to cities, the Türkiye Culture Route Festival contributes to the country’s international brand values. This year, the festivals are being held in 16 cities over eight months. The meticulously created festival routes aim to transform Türkiye’s historical and cultural heritage into centers of attraction. The programs include concerts, exhibitions, workshops, ballet, opera and theater performances as well as conversations and activities for children.