Exhibit marks 65th anniversary of Turkey-Korea diplomatic relations
A piece from the "Korea-Turkey Friendship Exhibition," Atatürk Cultural Center, Istanbul. (Courtesy of AKM)

Istanbul's iconic Atatürk Cultural Center (AKM) is celebrating the 65th anniversary of Turkey-Korea diplomatic relations with a special exhibition. Bringing together 10 Turkish and seven Korean artists, the "Korea-Turkey Friendship Exhibition" is on display at AKM Gallery from Aug. 2-8. The exhibition will lay the groundwork for artistic interactions and new dialogues between Turkey and Korea.

Bringing together artists from the East and West in Istanbul, the intersection of Asia and Europe, the exhibition will reinforce the friendship between the two countries and demonstrate the many similarities Turkish and Korean artists share in terms of linguistics, culture and temperament.

A piece from the "Korea-Turkey Friendship Exhibition," Atatürk Cultural Center, Istanbul. (Courtesy of AKM)

The "Korea-Turkey Friendship Exhibition" is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Korean Consulate General in Istanbul, the Turkish Korean Cultural Center and the Korea-Turkey Cultural Exchange Association.

Before the opening reception of the exhibition on Aug. 2, a seminar in English titled "Difference and Coexistence" that focused on Korean sculpture was also held at AKM.

Among the artists participating in the exhibition from Korea are Eunjoo SONG, Jong-kyoung Lee, Daol Bokhee Chung, Choi Hee Kyoo, SeongMin Kim, Mihyeon Yang and Junseok MO. Aydın Ayan, Devabil Kara, Erol Kılıç, Hüsamettin Koçan, M. Zahit Büyükişliyen, Veysel Günay, Ali Candaş, Devrim Erbil, Gafur Uzuner and Resul Aytemur are the artists representing Turkey.