Turkish Ministry grants record-breaking support to documentary film projects
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism allocated a total of TL 6.75 million (nearly $258,000) to 42 selected documentary film projects. (Shutterstock Photo)

In a significant stride toward bolstering the country's cinematic landscape, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has announced an initiative to provide substantial financial support to documentary film production, deciding to allocate a total of TL 6.75 million (nearly $258,000) to 42 selected documentary film projects.

Recognizing the pivotal role that high-quality documentary films play in the cultural narrative and the growth of the industry, the ministry's support measures are determined through a meticulous evaluation process conducted by the Cinema Support Board, comprising representatives from the ministry and cinema industry professionals. In 2023, out of a pool of 178 documentary film project applications, the board identified and approved 42 projects to receive financial backing, reaching an all-time high support amount in this domain.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism's endeavors to fortify the cinematic realm extend beyond documentary filmmaking. In 2023, a comprehensive support initiative encompassing various facets of the film industry has been implemented. A total of 105 cinema theaters across all provinces had already been granted a generous sum of TL 14.24 million, aimed at empowering these venues to continue their contribution to the cinematic landscape.

Moreover, the ministry's commitment to fostering a thriving film industry is evident through its diverse array of support initiatives. This year alone, 93 projects have been earmarked for financial assistance. Among these, 34 screenplay and dialogue writing projects were allocated TL 1.31 million, while 51 short fiction film production ventures received TL 3.24 million. The animation sector was also acknowledged, with six short animated film production projects receiving a total of TL 595,000. Additionally, two feature-length cinema film development projects secured cumulative funding of TL 345,000.