SK Art Projects to host group exhibition 'Glance'
u201cRachem McAdamsu201d by Kadir Akyol, oil on canvas, 105 x 203 cm.

SK Art Projects will host Saliha Yılmaz and Kadir Akyol's exhibition, "Glance," March 6 to April 3 at City's Nişantaşı. The exhibition, organized in collaboration with Gallery Artist Editions, presents a selection of recent works by the artists.

Sight is one of the most basic senses. If it has a specific meaning, it turns into a glance. Art, as an alternative area of existence, is a space with opportunities to glance. Before artists create anything with their styles, they build this glance in life. In the end, their works create images carrying traces of these glances.

Saliha Yılmaz, at the forefront for interdisciplinary productions in the form of paintings, statues and installations with a large range of subjects from current city life to identity issues in her recent works, creates hybrid structures. She handles women's issues, sexual policies, urban transformation and our relationships with nature with different materials and techniques such as patterns, ceramics and plexiglass, revealing hybrid examples with mixed forms of human, plant, animal and architecture. Approaching today's life and sociopolitical problems with a critical tone, Yılmaz offers our lives, which are increasingly unidentified, with a surrealistic perspective using colors and forms together.

Kadir Akyol adds the glance of his style in portraits, which we perceive as a basic discipline. Interpreting familiar figures that he brings from popular culture in the quick and digital age with his colorful and extraordinary pallet, the artist's ironic catch extends the perception of representation. He takes figures in portraits from the time and place where they belong to reveal, in a sense, an alienation effect. He also can develop a critical perspective on the cultural representation of power relations. These portraits, which can have eye contact at a glance, question the real world of things in the present world, where everything has increased and lost meaning.

About SK Art Projects

SK Art Projects is the venture of Şebnem Kutal, who graduated from the Mimar Sinan University Department of Art History in 2002. Kutal completed the program of Arts Management at Birkbeck University London and the Contemporary Art and the Arts-Finance programs at Sotheby's Institute of Art.

Based in Istanbul and London, SK Art Projects started in 2017 with an innovative perspective in art consulting, exhibition-event organizations and artist representations.

It brings important institutions and figure in the world of art together. With an international vision, it tries to feature artists with a dynamic understanding and their works. Developing joint projects in cooperation with professionals in this field and creating a network formed by means of the experiences by presenting alternatives for the art world are important for SK Art Projects.