Art, technology hand in hand in exhibition

The 2nd ‘bang. Art Innovation Prix' is currently displaying its exhibition themed ‘digital aura' that combines new technology with art

Organized for the second time by the innovation consultancy firm ArtBizTech, the bang. Art Innovation Prix 2018 exhibition opened its doors at 42 Maslak Art!SPACE Gallery.

With the theme of "digital aura," the exhibition offers works that combine the latest technological and scientific developments with art.

These works question today's aesthetic judgments and new concepts through technology by using different set ups, such as the relationship between artificial intelligence and humans, utopian city typologies and biomimetic structures. The exhibition can be visited until May 18.

The bang. Art Innovation Prix 2018 exhibition opened its doors on May 3 with the participation of leading names from business, technology, science and the art world.

ArtBizTech's managing partner Emrah Yayıcı noted that at bang. Art Innovation Prix, implemented for adding depth and variety to innovation in Turkey through art, is now at its final stage and the works on display are the products of five months of hard work.

"We hope this exhibition inspires all of us from the business to the art world," added Yayıcı.

State-of-the-art technological elements

Various art that includes technological and scientific elements, such as new media, bio art, kinetic art and data art, have been included in the program.

This year's exhibition is welcoming bio-electromechanics and sound installations, utopian city topologies, structures based on biomimetics, works on the relationship between artificial intelligence and humans, and interactive projects created via statistical data.

Get involved and explore!

Curator Esra Özken described the exhibition's attitude as opening new discussions by questioning new language and concepts resulting from technological developments and also the bond between machines and humanity.

"The exhibition focuses on the viewers' finding a quiet moment and becoming engaged in the experience, discovering its creation process and forming an organic bond with the artwork, and the artist understanding the silence of the viewers and bonding with the experience. Therefore, we say 'Get involved and explore!' to both our viewers and artists," Özkan said.

Individuals from different disciplines, including the fine arts, engineering, design and biomedical sects, applied to the bang. Art Innovation Prix program with their inspiring works.

The applications were assessed by a jury comprised of leading names in the business, technology, science and art worlds according to criteria based on aesthetic judgment, innovative output, originality and artistic text integrity.

The owners of 20 artworks on display received mentorship from 50 professionals with their suggestions and ideas. The works, developed and completed within five months, will also be presented at different venues and events after this exhibition throughout the year.

Offering services in innovation consultancy, ArtBizTech supports the development of innovative ideas through workshops, seminars and training. It places design and artful thinking methodologies at the core of its efforts.

The mission of the multidisciplinary team formed of professionals specializing in business, technology, design and psychology is designed to unite art with the business and technology world and add depth to the concept of innovation in Turkey.

ArtBizTech's two books "Design Thinking Methodology Book" and "Artful Thinking" are available on in more than ten countries, including the U.S., France and Japan.