Art lovers to be able to follow analysis of Vermeer's masterpiece
A Macro XRF scanner is used to study in minute detail the surface of Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece ,Girl with a Pearl Earring,, at the Mauritshuis museum in The Hague, Netherlands, Monday, Feb. 26, 2018. (AP Photo)

Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" will undergo an in-depth scientific examination over the next two weeks, live and in public in a specially constructed lab.

The Mauritshuis museum in The Hague has constructed a studio with a glass enclosure where researchers will examine the famous painting using the latest scanning technology.

"We want to know how it was painted and what materials Vermeer used," museum director Emily Gordenker told reporters.

The girl's unusual pose and enigmatic gaze - and the question over who she was, if she ever existed - has captivated art-lovers since the Dutch master painted her around 1665. The work also more recently spawned a novel and a Hollywood film.

The painting itself was last examined in 1994 during conservation work. This time the public can follow the research live, and an expert will be on hand to explain what is going on inside the workshop, the museum said on its website.

The painting itself will be difficult to see during the examination, but a 3D reproduction will be available for viewing.