World's fairytales come to Istanbul

The Global Public Diplomacy Network (GPDNet), presided by the Yunus Emre Institute (YEE), is presenting a project titled, "Fairytales for Everyone," for countries of different nations and cultures to share tales of "compassion and love" with each other.Organized by the YEE together with other institutions and associations engaged in the improvement of cultural diplomacy, with the establishment a common ground for dialogue and joint organizations for sharing knowledge and experience, the "Fairytales for Everyone" festival is to take place in Ankara from April 19-24.The project aims to support tolerance and sincerity between different cultures by the presentation of fairytales, as building blocks of culture, and explanations of their messages. The fairy styles will be presented by representatives and storytellers of associations from quest states, who will put on a performance in Ankara.The theme of the festival will be "compassion and love," a common feeling to all humanity as storytellers will tell stories from their respective culture for less than 15 minutes in their native language.In addition, information will be provided by the storytellers before each fairytale, and a summary of the stories will be projected to the screen in English and Turkish at the start of each narration."Zümrüdü Anka Kuşu" (Phoenix), "Nardaniye Hanım" (Mrs. Nardaniye), "Fesleğenci Kız" (Basil Sales Girl), "Suskun Prenses" (Silent Princess), "Gülen Elma-Ağlayan Elma" (Laughing Apple-Crying Apple) and "Gül Güzeli" (Rosy Beauty).The Philippines will be promoting its culture with "Manic Buangsi," South Korea with "Lumberjack and the Beautiful Girl," Nigeria with "Ekineta," Poland with "Girl under the Bridge," Taiwan with "Peace with an Ambler - Story told in the Larger Tent" and Hungary with "Porcupine and the Black Rooster."