Exhibition in Istanbul paves way for self-discovery

Gallery İlayda in Istanbul will host Diğdem Yağcı's solo exhibition "Self- Connection" between May 18 and June 19. Yağcı creates unique forms of art in the light of her philosophical and artistic perspectives through her use of myriad techniques and materials. With this approach, she aims to offer an alternative way to the traditional perception of painting.The most powerful characteristic of Yağcı's works is their fragmented nature. The artist is exactly aware of the point where she needs to stop her artistic intervention and let the audience complete the rest of the work, which also gives them time to be able to become a part of the artwork. The real meaning behind Yağcı's works can be discovered by filling in the secret spaces hidden between papers, colors and weaved fabrics. Her figurative compositions provide a critical perspective that makes one question the existential issues of being human. She successfully analyzes various sides to being both human and specifically a woman under the crushing power of our daily lives. With her most recent series titled "Self-Connection," Yağcı invites viewers on a journey into their inner selves.Since first coming into existence, humanity has harnessed its surroundings in order to meet its needs. In case of the contact between us and ourselves, we establish a connection with our own essence. There are no boundaries in this connection: There's an infinite amount of transparency and permeability. This is a journey without a map into our own essence; it is a part of the process of our evolution. It is the discovery of our higher identity, or in other words, a silent reading of the individual's own book. It's the process of communicating with one's inner world, thinking about one's existence, imagining, observing that inner world and becoming aware of our needs, values, actions and skills by looking for answers to the questions that challenge us. This path to wisdom is sometimes painful, other times peaceful. Faces, statuses and adjectives concerning a life filled with weaknesses, desires, ambitions, mistakes make it impossible to move forward on this inward path and things begin to unravel. Those who complete this inward journey, who establish a connection with their essence, reach an awareness that makes it possible for them to evaluate existence and the universe according to their own facts. In other words, they have finally evolved.