Symposium focuses on post-colonialism and orientalism
East-West relations turned out to be the most important fault lines of the post-Cold War period, as explored in Samuel Huntington's book "The Clash of Civilizations." This period coincided with global wars led by the US against terrorism, notably after the September 11 attacks. With the new global political awakening, the East-West relations acquired a new dimension followed by the formation of two hemispheres - the US and the Western Europe and the "Orient" and "Oriental" societies. The position of the West and the East is more elaborate than the existing geographical demarcations explained in international discourse. There is an "other," including the Orient, the Oriental societies and its alleged culture, positioned opposite the West, representing a mass culture of dominant, liberal, capitalist, industrialist and religiously enlightened and White people. It could also be claimed that there is an "otherization" referring to an Oriental mass, not only in the West but also in the East.Considering the information production process in the world of the East-East relations, the prevailing information is claimed to be generated only by a single source that is the Western producers. Furthermore, the information has been generally produced and collected based on observation by the Western community of knowers and then constantly re-produced by distribution. With reference to Foucault's systems of representation, this argument indicates an increasing inequality and clear hierarchical relation. On the one hand, the West seems to be willing to produce information and thereby perceives the Orient and Oriental as a subject matter. On the other side, there is the Oriental who needs to be explored to purify from mistakes and then trained to be democratized. As coined by Edward Said, the terms Orient and Oriental, which compose Islamic culture and the mass generated from it within a narrower context, are observed, studied, analyzed, interpreted and judged from the Western eyes. This has led the creation of a binary opposition, though. In post-colonial theory, orientalism represents the production, distribution and circulation of information, while post-colonialism is defined as a critical approach that produce answers for it. The Post-colonial Research Center (PAMER) at the Üsküdar University studies the orientalist information production and post-colonial information. These days, Turkey is becoming an agenda producer and protector rather than answering the question of international agenda thanks to its regional and global position and geopolitical significance. The studies of PAMER bears not only academic value but also cultural and social importance. During its upcoming symposium on Dec. 19, Merve Kavakçı, the head of PAMER will be talking about Islamic post-colonialism. Here is a summary of Kavakçı's point of view: "Amid the invasion of Iraq, Donald Rumsfeld, the then US Secretary of Defense, was giving update about the details of dead American soldiers. Upon the question of a reported asking about dead Iraqis, Rumsfeld said he did not know the number and it was also impossible to learn it. He even made an indifferent body gesture indicating 'we do not bother them.'" This anecdote is indeed a small part of a wide discussion. It is possible to explore a number of subjects through this example such as "who are deserved to be seen as human," its related criteria and the authority of information production and recording the human history. The attitude of the former US secretary exemplifies the two opposite categories - the Occident (West) and the Orient (East). The first category is considered as "human" and the second one is dehumanized. Everything about American soldiers were constantly updated during the war but the number of dead Iraqis was not an important issue. This categorization demonstrates that the West and its culture have always the right things; however the East should follow the West or is forced to follow it to correct the system. Post-colonial studies are triggered with such representation systems of binary oppositions. Post-colonialism criticizes the Western hegemony as the authority of information production and circulation. The theory rejects the binary oppositions systematically created and distributed by information producers. The critical point is to criticize the Western-produced information seen as the single source. It supports to produce alternative and acceptable information in different parts of the word rather than the West. Post-colonialism also fights against the different versions of Orientalist representation systems such as eurocentrism and ethnocentrism. Nearly all the panels will be held in English. For detailed information, please check
Last Update: February 13, 2015 17:39