Museums Talk continues with Scottish National Gallery

Istanbul Modern’s program ‘Museums Talk,’ which was launched in 2012 to create a communication platform and information network in the field of museology between audiences in Turkey and leading international museum professionals, continues with a focus on the United Kingdom

In collaboration with Istanbul Modern and the British Council, "Museums Talk: From the U.K." will host prominent museum professionals from eight art museums from the U.K. to meet audiences in Istanbul until April. As the first national public museums in the world were founded in the U.K., their museums have rich experience in cultural heritage, which is also harmonized with innovative perspectives. The sessions mostly focus on museum management, fundraising, curatorial practices, collections and archives, education programs, audience development, public relations, marketing and communication strategies, new technologies, exhibition design and museum architecture. Detailed information about the ongoing and free of charge talks can be found on Istanbul Modern's official website and simultaneous interpreting will be available at the events. Developing Museum Collections: Limited Resources and Unlimited PartnershipOn Tuesday, Simon Groom, the Art Director of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, will talk about the challenges and opportunities ahead for art museums to develop their collections in times of crises in a session titled "Developing Museum Collections: Limited Resources and Unlimited Partnership." Founded in 1960, the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Arts is one of Scotland's three youngest galleries along with the Scottish National Gallery and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Located in one of Edinburgh's most attractive parklands, the museum consists of two 19th century buildings and an impressive sculpture park. It hosts Scotland's most important and international modern and contemporary art collections and the world's great collections of Dada and Surrealism. Groom will present successful partnership projects that enable a museum to develop a rich program of displays and exhibitions, which also make an innovative use of its collections. The projects include ARTIST ROOMS, which is a collection project featuring the most important names of the 20th century, and is held jointly with the Tate; "From Death to Death and Other Small Tales," an exhibition that gathers the works of famous collector Dimitris Daskalopoulos; and "GENERATION," a large nationwide program that looks at the last 25 years of contemporary art in Scotland.