Yale University offers to rehire worker who broke window depicting slaves
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Yale University said Tuesday it is willing to give "a second chance" to the former dining services worker who smashed a stained-glass window depicting slaves.

Corey Menafee has said he destroyed the window inside Calhoun College with a broomstick because he found it offensive. The name of the residential college has sparked protests because it honors former Vice President John C. Calhoun, an 1804 Yale graduate and an ardent defender of slavery.

Menafee, who is black, resigned and apologized before asking through his union to have his job back.

Yale spokeswoman Karen Peart said the university had informed Menafee's attorney that "we are willing to grant his request for a second chance at Yale." She said he would be allowed to return to a position in "a different setting" as soon as Monday.

"We are willing to take these unusual steps given the unique circumstances of this matter, and it is now up to Mr. Menafee whether he wishes to return to Yale," Peart said.

Menafee's attorney, Patricia Kane, says the terms of an agreement that would return him to Yale are still being discussed.

"A process has been started," she said. "I'm optimistic we will have a resolution."

Yale has asked state prosecutors to drop criminal charges against Menafee.